Sunday, October 31, 2021

Easy Milk Barfi in InstaPot

After the first-try-success(which rarely happens in my case) of badam Katli in InstaPot, I braved to try another similar recipe from the same blog - Milk barfi.

Since this is the first time I am eating this barfi, I have no clue how it should taste. I was expecting it to taste more like doodh peda, but it tasted more raw, in the sense one can easily tell there is milk powder in it. But it was tasty nevertheless. A generous pinch of cardamom powder will definitely enhance the flavor. One cool thing about this barfi is that the texture changes drastically as the barfi cools down. So this is not exactly make-and-eat-directly kind of sweet, you need to give this a good resting time.

I have seen a similar recipe on YouTube which was made on stovetop, which looks very easy, but one cannot beat the convenience of IP in making sugar syrup. 

Overall a very easy and tasty recipe. Do try this for Deepavali and enjoy!   

Monday, October 18, 2021

Spinach-Onion Pakoda

 With dipping temperatures, what better to have than hot pakoda with some hot filter coffee.. 

Pakodas are always hit and miss with me. Either they turn out PERFECT or they become rubbery/ elastic after cooling down.. I have no idea why..  

But over the years, after many many experiments, I seem to have gotten some grip over this. Please check below for more details.. 
